Monday 23 April 2012

Game 7: Ant's Dwarfs

Ahh the old enemy the dawi. Ironbreakers, Hammerers, GW warriors and more shoooting all wrapped in a magic resistaht package. Should be interesting...
Deployment is a cagey affair with us staring each other out over who gets the best spot for the great weapon wielding elites. In all the concentration I think Ant let me spread his army a little thinly which I planned to combine with a fast right flank to stretch him. In the centre the goal is simple - don't get shot to bits and try to distract his thunderers from making elf-meat out of my light cav.

We had both agreed to limit ourselves mostly to the ETC draft 3 rules, though we would just play a flat 2500 points each rather than me having 2500 and him 2400.

End of turn one
It starts well with my reavers edging up hoping to sneak past his lines. I suffer a miscast turn one loosing my level 2, the first of 3 miscasts in 3 turns and all on 4 dice casts or less. These dwarfs know how to mess with my mojo. By the end of the game I had 3 of my four wizards left all on one wound.

My swordmasters duck in and out of the buildings and end up in combat with his hammerers. I shred nine and his lord fluffs his attacks. He naturally fails his leadership and with no bsb to be found, probably at the pub, he looses his most badass unit to 12 swordmasters and some bad luck. Ouch. To add insult to injury they end up in the flank of his iron breakers and after 4 rounds of combat the sword masters die to a man taking 14 heavily armored dwarfs with them.

The lions also do well taking out many a dwarf warrior after receiving a charge before turning them on their heels and mullering them on the pursuit. Backed up by some rear charges the lions and reavers chew up his line in text book fashion.
End of turn 2

The shooting in the game didn't do too much but they did remove ranks and occupy his shooting. For High Elf core I think thats fine. The spears did even less but again I am happy with their job; had the swordmasters been less brutal they would have needed to hold off the dwarfs long enough for me to swing my right flank into his elite and I think they would have done the job being asked.

The dead piles 
So in the end he scored points for my level 2 mage while I tabled him. Another result that makes High Elves look broken where the reality was everything going my way, well aside from the miscasts.

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